UV Clear Fly Finish is for those who believe ”five minutes to cure is five minutes too long.” No mixing or waiting is required, and it remains workable until exposed to direct sunlight or Loon’s UV Bench Light or UV Infiniti Light, at which point it will cure in a matter of seconds. The possibilities […]
Loon Easy Dry
A treatment to revive flies composed of two things: drying beads and blue indicator crystals. A fly (still attached to the leader) is dry after a few quick shakes and ready for floatant. The blue indicator beads turn pink when the drying beads have become saturated and it is time to get a new bottle […]
Loon Ergo Hackle Plier
Loon Ergo Hackle Plier eller hackel tång som vi säger på svenska. Hackeltången är ett måste för alla flugbindare och Loons variant har ett väldigt littet och smidigt gap som ska va anpassat att passa de flesta fjädrar som ska hacklas på. Bra tumgrepp för att slippa glida och ha ett bra grepp i handen. […]