Preparat för medicinstudier samt för andra nyfikna.Boxen innehåller 100 histologiska preparat, d.v.s. vävnadspreparat från olika däggdjur. Boxen passar dig som studerar medicin eller är nyfiken på hur kroppen ser ut i detalj.
Rekommenderad förstoring huvudsakligen 40 till 400x (även om 1000x ibland är ett plus).
Lådan innehåller:
* Simple squamous Epithelium sec
* Simple Cuboidal Epithelium sec
* Simple Columna Epithelium sec
* Columna Pseudo strtified cillated epithelium
* Stratified squamous Epithelium sec
* Transitinl Epethelium sec
* Ciliated Epithelium
* Epidermis from human mouth
* Glandular Epithelium sec
* Loose Connective Tissue w.m
* Dense Connective Tissue w.m
* Adipose Tissues sec.
* Hyaline Cartilage sec.
* Elastic Cartilage sec.
* Fibro Cartilage sec.
* Human Chromosome Nonmal Female w.m
* Human Chromosome Nonmal Male w.m
* Medulla oblongata sec
* Red marrow smear
* Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation w.m
* Blood smear
* Hair whole mount
* Smooth Muscle l.s and c.s
* Skeletal Muscle l.s and c.s
* Cardiac Muscle sec
* Spinal Card l.s and c.s
* Sciatic nerve l.s.
* Motor neuron w.m
* Motor Nerve Endings w.m
* Tongue l.s. show filiform papilla
* Esophagus sec.
* Trachea sec.
* Stomach sec.
* Stomach fundic portion sec.
* Stomach Cardiac Region sec.
* Stomach Pyloric Region sec.
* Small Intestine c.s
* Duodenum sec.
* Jejunum sec.
* Ileum c.s. show villi and goblet cells
* Appendix sec.
* Large Intestine sec.
* Colon sec.
* Rectum sec.
* Pancreas sec.
* Spleen sec
* Liver sec
* Gall Bladder sec
* Fat layer
* Fibroblast
* Nerve cells
* Brochiolus
* Lung sec
* Artery sec
* Vein sec
* Large artery sec
* Large vein sec
* Heart l.s.whole
* Kidney l.s
* Kidney with Blood Vessel Injected sec.
* Ureter sec.
* Ovary sec.
* Placenta Human sec.
* Human Sperms smear
* Epididymis sec
* Prostate Gland Human sec.
* Fallopian Tube sec
* Penis c.s
* Cervix sec
* Thyroid Gland sec
* Thymus Gland sec
* Mammary gland sec
* Adrenal Gland sec
* Lymph Node sec
* Salivary gland c.s.
* Cerebrum sec
* Cerebellum sec
* Pituitary gland c.s.
* Tendon teased c.s.
* Eye entail sec
* Eyeball sec
* Human Skin sec show Thick Cornifie Layer
* Human Skin Sec Through sweat Gland
* Human Skin Sec Through Hair Folicle
* White fibrous tissue
* Mucous tissue ,umbilical cord
* Decalcified bone c.s.
* Infant developing bone section
* Developing membrane bone
* muscle-tendon junction l.s.
* muscle spindle
* Nerve bundle
* sympathetic ganglion
* motor cortex section
* sentor cortex
* cerebellar cortex
* Palatine tonsil
* thin skin from human palm section
* finger nail section
* stomach -duodenal junction l.s.
Läs mer om Preparat histologi 100 st. – för mikroskop